Friday, March 2, 2018

Day204 030218

Got in my first walk of the year. Settling into a new schedule which should help. Only two days removed from temps hitting 60 and most of the snow from previous week melted. I did count seven ice patched on back trail including one stretch of over 20 feet where the sun hardly shines. I didn't try to press it and felt pretty good.

I did lose some weight since my last walk which shows diet is more important for that. Still been working out with light weights. However need to continue walking to improve my general health. I can tell my knees and ankles appreciate not having to support the extra load for that distance. 

This was a good start to build on for this year.

miles walked today: 1

walked this year: 1

total: 253

time today: 21 minutes

weather: 47 degrees, 38% humidity, sunny and 20 mph winds

weight: 208

weight loss this week: 3

weight lost since beginning: 18