Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 58 122813

Getting in another walk to take advantage of the weather before winter turns harsh again tomorrow. It was also the first consecutive days and first multi-mile walk since I rebooted to this. I wanted to get the walk in before lunch and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I was mindful to pace myself to start out since I was doubling what I had been doing. Plus the second half of the route adds a third hill. One nice surprise was on the additional route they replaced the sidewalk on three stretches with new concrete so that made for slightly improved terrain. I was surprised how much I picked up the pace on the return because I did the first mile in 30 minutes and the second in 24 minutes. It was a good way to end this year and get a jump on the next. A positive experience to build on.

miles walked today: 2

total: 53

time today: 54 minutes

weather: 44 degrees and mostly sunny with 13 mph winds

weight: 229

weight lost: +3

Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 57 122713

Record high today and was able to take advantage. 

miles walked today: 1

total: 51

time today: 26 minutes

weather: 56 degrees and clear with 12 mph winds

weight: 227

weight lost: +1

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 56 121713

Today was the first post Thanksgiving walk and my first since I turned 47. There is a little warm front before winter returns full force at the end of the week. It was 41 when I started for home but the temp had fallen to 37 by the time I started walking. It had been more than a week since the last snow but I still had to navigate a couple poorly shoveled walks. Dealing with the terrain did slow me down a bit. Or maybe it was the extra weight from Thanksgiving and my birthday cup cakes. 

miles walked today: 1

total: 50

time today: 30 minutes

weather: 37 degrees and clear with 4 mph winds

weight: 227

weight lost: +1