Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day Nine 101612

Day nine and I reached two milestones. I walked two miles for the first time in this journey and my total reached double digits. The initial jump from one mile to two was huge in more ways than one. The additional stretch has another hill so now there are two good sized hills on the route. When I was about the quarter mark of the second mile I could really feel the sweat on the back of my head and neck. My legs started to get heavy at 1.5 miles. The last quarter I could feel it in my shoulders and upper back. First two miles done in 58 minutes.

The day was a hot one for October hitting the upper 70s so I held off to walking a couple hours after dinner time. It was the latest I had walked so far and what a difference a few hours makes. The weather was 60 with a slight breeze and the gathering clouds refused to show any stars. Yet it was probably the perfect temp to be walking in .

Breakfast was outside the norm consisting of two eggs, three sausages, diced potatoes, an english muffin and orange juice. Out with friends for breakfast. Lunch was vegetable beef stew and a vanilla yogurt. I had a banana as an afternoon snack. For sups it was pepperoni bites topped with spaghetti sauce and a slice of wheat bread. 

miles walked today: 2

total miles: 10

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