Saturday, October 20, 2012

Days 10 11 12 and 13 102012

Day 10 I got my walk in mid afternoon before going to what might have been the last Nighthawks game. I did one mile due to schedule limitations. Plus I knew I'd be doing plenty more walking around the stadium. I did enjoy the autumn scenery 

The weather was 68 and overcast but the rain didn't start until later that night.

For breakfast I had oatmeal. For lunch it was vegetable beef stew, vanilla yogurt and a piece of pumpkin pie. For sups I had two hot dogs at the stadium and two tacos on the way home after.

miles walked: 1

total miles: 11

The next day I had off to help move some furniture including some heavy oak pieces. I did end up injuring my big toe which hampered the next couple days. The toe got a steady regimen of anti bacterial cream, pain relievers and rest. I didn't get out for a walk that day due to the toe plus I could hardly move after the heavy lifting.

For breakfast that day I just had a chocolate chip granola bar because I didn't want to feel sluggish for all the activity that day. I did have a banana for a mid morning snack. After the move I had goulash for lunch. That night for sups it was a swiss and mushroom Runza, fries and iced tea.

I wasn't able to walk on day 12 either as I tried to heal and rest. It felt like a lost day. Since it was Friday it was a weigh in day. The scale read 219.

For breakfast it was honey nut toasted oats. For lunch it was a roast beef and cheese sandwich and vanilla yogurt. For sups it was Beijing chicken on steamed rice and an egg roll.

Weight loss: 1 pound Total weight loss: 5

Today I got back on the proverbial horse and walked a mile at night. I went and got a new pair of hiking boots and they seemed to help with the concrete terrain much better than my worn out shoes. The toe throbbed a bit but seemed better toward the end.

The weather was 57 and mostly clear as I could make out a few stars.

For breakfast I had chocolate Cheerios. For lunch it was Beijing chicken and an egg roll. For sups it was chicken tortilla soup. I also had a handful of candy corn and a smores.

miles walked today: 1

total miles: 12

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